During Lent, we are called to pray, sacrifice and give. Camp in the Community helps us put our faith into action as we think about the blessings in our lives, and give so that others may be blessed.
This calendar invites us to explore the privileges we often take for granted, as we pray for those who don't have the same access. Pray for those camper families who have been most affected by the current pandemic, and for the ways, we, as the body of Christ, might meet those needs.
As we reflect on our own abundance, we are called to create an abundant life for others.
You can use the printable calendar to follow the daily challenges, or use the tearable version and draw them from a jar. The proposed gift amounts may generate between $50 and $100 over the course of Lent for your household. You can add money to a jar as you go, or note the amounts each day using our Lenten Giving Tracker and make one big donation at the end of Lent.
This year, we have the opportunity to serve 1400+ children throughout our conference and provide them a powerful camp experience.