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Recovery Fund Update

In October, we discovered all of our trailers and supplies for camp had been stolen. We were devastated but determined to continue this vital ministry. The total value of the items stolen was $60,000, and we needed to raise the money quickly so we could resupply and be ready to run camp and train our staff for summer.

Our insurance settlement came in lower than we hoped, at $35,000, but still helped us get the ball rolling toward fundraising. We were thankful for widespread media coverage from both television and newspapers, as well as through The Call. Once people knew about what happened, they begin to reach out.

We are overwhelmed with the generosity of our churches, new and old friends, and donors young and old. We have been offered supplies, help with rebuilding materials, pledges, and the funds needed to get back to camp. Young people created school-wide and city-wide initiatives to collect books and craft supplies for camp and amazed us with their drive, ingenuity, and commitment to making a difference in their communities. God’s people showed up to help from near and far.

Through all of these efforts, we are excited to announce that we raised a total of $62,045 for theft recovery!

Thanks to those who donated, we can focus on recovering well, providing the best quality camp program we can for our campers, serving the 26 communities and 1400+ campers we will serve this summer, and raising money for our annual fund.

For those who are interested in helping us minister to others, we need more people to give annually through either our annual fund or our adopt-a-camper programs. These funds will help us continue to provide summer camp opportunities for children who traditionally would not have the chance to attend summer camp.

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