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Calling all parents and campers! You've found the spot with everything you need to know about your week of summer camp. Feel free to scroll through the resources, or click the links below to jump to the specific information you need.


Every day at camp is a new adventure, and of course, things can change – but the schedule below should give you a great idea of our daily structure.


8:45    |  Check-In

9:00    |  Gather for activities

9:15    |  Morning Watch (our worship service)

9:45    |  Activity Block

12:00  |  Lunch

12:30  |  Bible Study

1:00    |  Activity Block

2:30    |  Debrief the Day

2:45    |  Closing

3:00    |  Check-Out



Due to the length of our camp, we ask that parents do not visit campers unless there are extenuating circumstances. We do not like pulling campers out of programs for visits, it's disruptive and tends to trigger campers who are prone to homesickness. If your child is struggling at camp, you will be notified by a camp director. Please feel free to call the camp and we will give you an update on your camper's experience. â€‹â€‹


Check your camper in with a CITC staff member by 9am.


Campers are required to be checked in each day by a parent/guardian. Campers are not allowed to check themselves in our out of camp.


Pickup begins at 3pm.


Be courteous to our volunteers by being on time when picking up y our child. If someone other than a parent/guardian will pick up your child, you must submit written permission beforehand.



A week at camp will be very active, so campers should wear comfortable and durable clothes that can be easily replaced if lost or damaged. Camp can get messy! We require campers wear close-toed shoes. 


Please pack a water bottle. Every camper receives a free lunch and snack each day of camp. At the end of the week they will receive a Bible of their own so they can continue their journey with Christ. They will also receive a Camp in the Community (CITC) t-shirt. All these items are provided by our wonderful host churches and CITC. 


Any items of significant value should be left at home. To ensure the health and safety of all campers, staff may inspect campers' backpacks and hold items that are inappropriate at camp.



Every week is full of fun summer camp activities, here is just a sampling of some of our activities.


GAGA BALL | A fast-paced, high energy sport played in an octagonal pit. The more players the better! Dubbed a kinder gentler version of dodgeball. 


9-SQUARE |  It's like the game of 4-square, but with nine squares above your head!


ARCHERY  | Archery is the sport, practice, and skill of using a bow to propel arrows and was a favorite sport of Robin Hood. See if you can hit the bullseye!


WARM FUZZIES  |  This is a fun craft made from yarn, with a legend about giving. See how the warm fuzzy can help encourage acts of kindness. 


STEAM ACTIVITIES  | STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are campers who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving. 




In Matthew 5:14-16 during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says,


                       “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a                           lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the                         house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and                         glorify your Father in heaven.”


Now more than ever, campers need to be reminded of the goodness that God creates in and through them. In a world where darkness can seem often to prevail, we have been told that we have been created to be the light. God has created us and desires us to point others to Christ’s goodness. We hope every camper will see God’s light in each of our camp counselors and staff this summer. We pray that God will be able to use this year’s Bible Study to speak to every camper and teach them how they are the light of the world.



At camp, young people have the mental space to consider some of the most important issues of life. This break from the craziness of their regular routine allows campers to think about their future, to evaluate unhealthy patterns, and to discover the truth that God loves them and has an amazing plan for their lives.


Camp gives young people the opportunity to:

  • Build faith through shared relationships and experiences

  • Utilize imagination, creativity, and play 

  • Be valued for exactly who they are

  • Construct and adhere to shared, communal values

  • Cultivate independence, self-esteem, and identity

  • Hone social skills and nurture lasting friendships

  • Identify and emulate strong role models

  • Develop leadership skills



We have a bunch of awesome people working at CITC!

Our staff goes through an intensive two week training period where they are equipped to lead and serve campers. Our summer staff counselors are energetic, dedicated, Christian young adults who have committed their energy to caring for your child. â€‹


Before hiring staff members, each one went through an extensive process that included, application, reference checks, personal interviews, and several background checks.


The training they receive covers a range of topics, including effective management of a small group and how to relate to the needs of individuals within that group, facilitation of all camp activities, positive discipline techniques, certification in first aid and CPR, and so much more.


CITC staff is equipped with the skills necessary to create a physically and emotionally safe environment within which all campers can thrive, grow, and have fun. 



At camp, we take every precaution possible to minimize risks to our campers. The "rule of three" is a camp-wide policy to protect both our campers and staff members. Staff members are committed to avoiding any situation that would place them alone with a camper. As a minimum, we have one staff with two campers or one camper with two staff members in every situation. If staff need to have a private conversation with a camper, they stay within sight of other staff and/or campers.



CITC is for rising kindergarteners through eighth-grade children. Upon arriving at camp, campers are placed in groups based on their age. Each group has different age-appropriate activities that will challenge them and allow the opportunity for success. As campers progress through the camp program they will participate in a wide variety of activities including adventure activities like our challenge course and archery, alternative sports like gaga ball, crafts, campfire, slingshots, and some unique active games that you can only find at camp.

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