Camp in the Community helped me prepare for my career path in ways that I am still learning to understand, even as I write this. After working with other camps, I was looking for a way to complement the knowledge I had. From my experiences, I knew how to work with small groups, lead bible studies, and manage conflict. I was searching for a way to enhance those skills. CITC offered me that opportunity. Through CITC, I was able to apply those skills in different settings with varying cultures. I was also able to do all that in a professional manner.

At camp, I learned how I could share my faith with those without a basic understanding of Jesus. I also learned to share my faith with those who differed from my own belief. I was able to work with both enthusiastic and less than enthusiastic volunteers. From that, I gained an understanding of how to work with each type of volunteer. Altogether, I received what I expected from my time with CITC. I love Whitney, the CITC Director, because she is completely honest with what she and the camp have to offer.

There were also unforeseen benefits I gained from the experience. Before working with CITC, I was sure I was going to be a pastor. So, I was only looking for an experience which pertained to that career field. It would have been very easy for me to choose an internship instead, as it "looks better" to future employers. But, in one semester of Seminary, my path changed to focus on a mental health path instead. This was partially due to the insight I gained from Camp In The Community. From the work I experienced through CITC, I am confident counseling is what I want to do, and can do.

I am glad I decided to work with Whitney at CITC. By doing so, I gained diverse experiences centered around people, leadership, and faith. All these apply to both my personal and professional development. In summary, CITC gave me confidence. It gave me confidence that my experience, education, personality, and passions have worth and purpose in the diverse kingdom of God. For that, I am glad I was able to serve.